W3C is the principle organization that sets standards for HTML. While I like what they are doing with HTML5, W3C's site is next to impossible to navigate and their language tangled at best. However, they are the powers that be. As a web designer you will eventually find yourself on their site. You may as well start now.
I often use W3schools as a reference site, plus they have good intermediate level tutorials. In fact I recommend them as a good site to continue your studies after you have gotten the basics down here.
Below I have links to the appropriate page on this site, on W3C and w3schools. There are a number of elements that do not yet have a page on this site, and therefore don't have links. I will add them as the site grows.
- Below you see elements in grey, red and pink.
- Elements in grey are in previous versions of HTML, but are not supported in HTML5. 1
- Elements in red are new to HTML5 and have broad browser support.
- Elements in pink are new to HTML5, but don't yet have broad browser support.
The tags:
<h1> - <h6>
W3CW3schools- The obsolete elements are including for those switching to HTML5 from earlier versions.
- Use
instead. - Use
instead. - Use CSS intsead.
- It works, but for now quite difficult to use. This should be get easier in time.
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