
How does our IP Address Geolocation Online Service work
It is very simple. Your web site makes a call to our IP address geolocation service performing an "HTTP GET" method.
You should use the following URL if you have the visitor's IP address:
http://services.ipaddresslabs.com/iplocation/locateip?key=(your "Service Access Key" goes here)&ip=(the visitor's IP address goes here)
          Example: http://services.ipaddresslabs.com/iplocation/locateip?key=demo&ip= If you don't have the IP address but you do have the host name (which is very unlikely), you can use the following URL and the IP address geolocation service will automatically obtain the IP address from the host name:
http://services.ipaddresslabs.com/iplocation/locatehostname?key=(your "Service Access Key" goes here)&hostname=(the visitor's host name goes here)
          Example: http://services.ipaddresslabs.com/iplocation/locatehostname?key=demo&hostname=dyndns.com
